CCARC Mini Expedition 2017

The Coal Country Amateur Radio Club actually had two Mini Expeditions this year. One, a long-scheduled Trek to Spruce Knob West Virginia (the highest peak in West Virginia) and a rather impromptu trek to the area of several of our member’s camp/summer/second homes in Summers County West Virginia. The trip to Spruce Knob is chronicled […]

WV0CQ /MM, /KP4 and /KP2 – 7/29-8/6 2017

Below, you will be able to read what my intended plans were, prior to setting sail. As per usual, that doesn’t always work out, and it didn’t on this trip either. First, my rig is housed in a military style case. It fits perfectly inside and I can carry a battery and a coiled di-pole […]

CCARC Mini-Ex 2014

What a great time we had! It might have been only an “overnighter”, but we had a blast. I hope we go for two nights next year! From the CCARC page: The Coal Country Amateur Radio Club ventured out into the Mountain Tops of Wild and Wonderful West Virginia for a 24 hour mini-expedition, […]

21 July 2014 – Cazy Mountain

After much preparation and deliberation, we have the equipment necessary to setup the Boone County Fire Fighter’s Mutual Aid Association Repeater at the Cazy Mountain location. We traveled to the site and raised the antenna and power pole. After testing the new antenna at elevation, we found this site to be a viable solution for […]

Field Day 2014

Field Day 2014 was my very first ARRL Field Day event. After previously working a lot of contacts during different ARRL events, the Field Day event was highly anticipated by myself and the rest of the Club. We organized everything pretty well. From press releases to invitation to elected officials, we had all of the […]

22 Dec 2013 – Cazy Mountain

22 December 2013 Today, we trekked to the area locally known as “Cazy”, more precisely the “West Cazy” area of Pond Fork, Boone County, West Virginia in an effort to help the Boone County Firefighter’s Mutual Aid Association find a suitable location for a VHF repeater/antenna. The proposed site location is owned by Alpha Natural […]
