I am not really into Awards, especially those requiring some sort of validation or confirmation as I’ve explained in blog posts. I did the “13 Colonies Special Event”, once, and I attempt to get different National Parks on the Air, the Battleships, a few of the Route 66 contacts and so-forth. I love when a contest is happening and I love that other people feel the need to participate in Contests, such as 10m Phone, and all of the other Phone contests because that brings the signal to noise ratio to an acceptable level and gives us a chance to make a lot of contacts, especially when DX gets involved. I am just not into contesting to get an award. I will participate. In fact, I may get a bunch of contacts. I number those contacts and participate the way I am suppose to participate, I just don’t try to turn in the contacts for acknowledgement.
2023 CQ World Wide SSB Contest

- W8 Calling Area (includes WV, Ohio and Michigan): #2 of 19 Participants in the Classic/Lower Power Categories.
- United States: #14 of 173 Participants in the Classic/Lower Power Categories.
- NORTH AMERICA (U.S. Canada, Mexico, Central America and many Caribbean Nations): #15 of 194 Participants in the Classic/Lower Power Categories.
- World: #59 of 871 Participants in the Classic/Lower Power Categories.
- Out of the 9638 participants in all categories, including high power, I scored #2071
Field Day
I absolutely LOVE Field Day. This is when I get to shine. I get to think outside the box, do different things, operate radio, build antennas, do it on-the-fly and have a blast. I don’t care if our club scores in the top for our section (although it’s nice), I just want to have a good time and make a few contacts. We participate every year as a club. If the club decided to stop participating, I will continue to do it on my own. Field Day is awesome. I would love to do it more than once a year with the same amount of enthusiasm from all of those involved. Here’s our results from the previous years’ Field Day activities. Our club has participated in every Field Day since the Club’s creation and we want to continue to do so. We’ve moved locations several times, and we believe we’ve found a perfect location for Field Day 2024. Stay tuned! We’ll update our Club’s Field Day page when it’s about to happen.
2014 13 Colonies Special Event
I really don’t have the time to dedicate to contests that involve a lot of sit-down time at the shack in order to obtain a large number of contacts. That being said, I participated in two events in 2014, one being field-day with my HAM club (CCARC) and the other, the “13 Colonies Special Event” which was held on the week of July 4 2014. I obtained all 13 Colonies and the 2 bonus point stations as well. This event is sorta close to my heart because I am student of history, especially the Founding Fathers and what they stood for: Liberty, Freedom and natural rights of man.
Here’s my certificate: