hi hi – wut?

“Hihi” or “hi hi” was used in CW to express laughter. I believe because it was easy to do or because the sound of the tones made it sound something like laughter. Since the inception of such, there’s been various mutations in communications, including texting. “LOL” is used in texting. So is “haha”, “bwahahaha”, “lmao” among others. How in the world “hihi” became common place in amateur radio voice comms is beyond me. Did no one think that “ha ha!” was the sound that would emanate from the speaker on the other end if you just *laughed*??? I am not a CW person and probably never will be, regardless if I learn it or not, use it or not, I won’t be calling myself a “CW Guy”. It is a valid and very useful form of radio comms, but I’ll be damned before I commonly use “hihi” to display laughter when using voice comms when I can simply, well, LAUGH. I press the PTT, laugh, release PTT. Guess what just happened? The person on the other end knew I was laughing.
